Total satisfaction from Fire Service

Users of the Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service (BFRS) are satisfied with the service they receive according to customer surveys conducted between October and December 2014.

All 381 people who completed their follow up surveys after receiving assistance or advice between October and December 2014 were very or fairly satisfied.

These include people involved in emergency incidents at home or at a non-domestic property and those who received a free Home Fire Safety Check to advise them on preventing fires or a Fire Safety Audit.

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Deputy Chief Fire Officer Glen Ranger told the Bedfordshire Fire Authority last month that credit should go to the staff.

“Consistently achieving these high ratings does not happen by chance,” he said, “and much credit should go to those delivering services, from front line firefighters and prevention & protection staff to senior managers and commanders. This outstanding service delivery is only made possible by the excellent support provided by our support departments, without which there would be no delivery.

“Our focus is firmly upon protecting our community and our firefighters and includes a commitment to finding new, innovative ways to promote fire safety and prevent incidents occurring.

“Our firefighters and staff are high quality professionals who work together with a ‘can do, will do’ attitude and I’d like to thank them for their hard work and dedication in serving our local communities.”

Chief Fire Officer, Paul Fuller, added, “I am pleased by this excellent result and would like to thank all our staff for their hard work and dedication.”