Speed tables reduce speeding problem in Luton

Lewsey residents with some officers from the local policing teamLewsey residents with some officers from the local policing team
Lewsey residents with some officers from the local policing team
Residents from Lewsey Farm and Neighbourhood Watch have been celebrating the success of the traffic calming measures introduced in the area.

The Neighbourhood Watch group and residents supported by Highways, local councillors and Bedfordshire Police got speed tables placed in Kestrel Way and Ravenhill Way after a number of accidents on the road.

Residents were fed up with the amount of accidents, some involving pedestrians, damage to vehicles and property due to excess speeding on the road.

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John Fullerton, Luton Neighbourhood Watch steering group member, recently got some residents and the local Police Community Support Officers together to celebrate the effect the traffic calming measures have had on the road.

He said: "This was the best solution as previous attempts hadn't proved an effective solution, it is hoped the residents are not to inconvenienced by the introduction of speed tables but see that the benefits outweigh the consequences.

"The police also benefit in time and resources by not having to attend those accidents on a regular occurrence which are under reported.

"This is really positive and I know that many of the residents on this road are pleased with the introduction."